Royal Villa i Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandRoyal Villa



🕗 åbningstider

Castle Road, Galway, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 91 790 823
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2675028, Longitude: -8.9302439

kommentar 5

  • en

    Patricia Maher


    Food was lovely but a waitress was very intrusive. Put us off going back for a sit in meal. Would still get take out.

  • en

    Mark Cormican


    Lovely setting in here if you fancy Asian / Chinese food. Owners Charlie and Patricia are great ! Staff are allways so so friendly ! Food is very nice. Place is allways spotless ! And its reasonably priced also ! If something is not on the menu they would try and see if they could get something simalar to it if not make that dish for you !

  • en

    Brian Dines


    Nice food, bit expensive but waitress was over familiar and sat down next to us while taking order. She chatted to us for at least five minutes while we were having a family meal. To be fair we have been here plenty times and never had an issue before.

  • en

    Padraig Maher


    No midweek deal as advertised on there website. Bizarre place could hear owner shouting at staff in the kitchen and singing loudly to the music in the restaurant. Food was nice. Salthill royal villa is much nicer.

  • Niamh Maher

    Niamh Maher


    Was a bit wary of going to this restaurant because of previous comments here. Was pleasantly surprised with my experience--- lovely welcome, order taken , food arrived promptly, delicious and pipeing hot, large portions even my 13 yr old daughter who is a very fussy eater was impressed- would definitely recommend.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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