Off The Bone Gastropub i Limerick

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IrlandOff The Bone Gastropub



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Raheen, Limerick, Co. Limerick, V94 E77X, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 487 410
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Latitude: 52.627859, Longitude: -8.6636821

kommentar 5

  • Martin McMahon

    Martin McMahon


    We went for a quick bite on a bank holiday Monday evening. The place is well furnished, with nice staff. The menu is varied and the food is tasty, albeit a little on the expensive side. The wait between ordering food and receiving it can be hit or miss, but all in all a good experience

  • Alicia McMahon

    Alicia McMahon


    I had to pleasure to eat here after visiting my Daddy in the regional hospital. I will say that I had one of the best Filets in a long time. I loved the ambiance and feel of the restaurant. The staff were very professional and knowledgable. I had the opportunity to meet the Deputy General Manager, and shared my satisfaction with him. I will go out of my way next time to eat dinner there again. Good Stuff! 5 Stars from me.

  • Annette Nagle

    Annette Nagle


    Lovely pub,Sunday lunch menu was very limited though..only 1 starter option. Carvery was good,nice choice of meats. However the beef wasn't very hot,the vegetables, potatoes were the perfect temperature. Overall a good standard but definitely room for improvement.

  • Maire Columb

    Maire Columb


    Good food. I was at a quiz there and the launch of Julian Fitzgibbons political career. We had a great night. The staff were attentive and kept up with the left over dishes etc. Without getting in the way. It has a friendly atmosphere and fairly high hygiene standards as part of the South Court Hotel complex.

  • Aiden Hickey

    Aiden Hickey


    Ribs and wings combo very large, nicely full after it. Nice food, quick attentive service. Good selection. Food well prepared and presented. Friendly staff. Large selection of beers/spirits available. Plenty of TVs to watch sports. Can hire/book sections for private parties.

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