Offbeat Donut Co. i Dublin 2

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IrlandOffbeat Donut Co.



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George's Quay, George's Quay, D02 VW82, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 671 1299
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Latitude: 53.3473233, Longitude: -6.2555403

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jessica Slep


    Delicious cookies and cream donut, and blueberry cheesecake donut. Sadly they were out of the other three I wanted to try when we went in about an hour before closing time.

  • Aidan Moyles

    Aidan Moyles


    Great service from friendly staff. Good coffee too!

  • Dylan Lee

    Dylan Lee


    After about a year of deliberation I think I can say that Offbeat is my favourite doughnut chain in Dublin. The key here is simplicity. Compared to its competitors, Offbeat doesn't have too much going on - in a good way. You typically get a doughnut with one or maybe, God forbid, two whole toppings. Thankfully they're fresh and amazingly tasty no matter what you decide on. Another aspect is the price. Although not a huge difference, Offbeat is a tad cheaper than its competitors around town which I'm sure continually draws people in. You just can't beat any three doughnuts for 6 Euro. This place has slowly become my go-to doughnut hub when I'm in the area, so much so that our group of friends use this as the meeting place to grab a quick doughnut before heading elsewhere in the city.

  • Kania Lachowicz

    Kania Lachowicz


    Absolutely delicious. I only comes for apple crumble ☝️

  • Jon Trimmer

    Jon Trimmer


    Love going here to grab a donut. The donuts are tasty and reasonably priced compared to the alternatives around town. Beware of the cream filled ones as they can be very sweet and not to everyone's taste.

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