The Rolling Donut i Dublin 1

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IrlandThe Rolling Donut



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34, Bachelors Walk, D01 YN15, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 563 8415
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Latitude: 53.3475332, Longitude: -6.2598293

kommentar 5

  • ugniine



    The staff are extremely friendly and welcoming. The doughnuts look super delicious and colourful in appearance. I have ordered the Red Velvet and Bailey's Bliss which I have to say we're not as great as I've expected... Red Velvet was nothing but too artificial and Bailey's Bliss did not taste like Bailey's at all. Although those doughnuts weren't as good, my friend has ordered Coffee Addict one which was super delicious! I really do believe other ones are yummy, I just wasn't lucky this time!

  • Olga Goncharova

    Olga Goncharova


    Love the donuts you make! Cannot stop buying them every time I walk near your shop. Thanks for the really good quality!

  • Valentina Brindusoiu

    Valentina Brindusoiu


    Best doughnuts I have had in a very long time. Also had some drinks which were a let down. The coffee was burnt and bitter.

  • gal silky

    gal silky


    This used to be my favorite donuts place in Dublin, but recently I sensed some decline in the quality, while many other good donut places opened. The Rolling Donut have developed an acute filling problem - it is spread very unevenly, so you buy a filled donut, and then 70% of your bites are just bare dough land, and then you get to a tiny spot all bursting with filling, which usually ends up dripping all over you. Also, this may just be me but it seems the fillings used to be tastier, like a year ago

  • Danny K

    Danny K


    Edited yesterdays rating and changed t to 5stars. Gave it 1star yesterday for being closed at 10:45pm although on here it said open until 11pm. This was because it closes when it runs out of donuts so a user has since suggested getting here before 8pm. Went here today at 12pm and got a vegan coffee and macadamia donut and it was the best donut I've ever had. My partner got a cinnamon and sugar donut and he's fairly fussy but he couldn't rate it higher. He loves it. Can't rate this place higher. The staff are lovely too, even complimented my tattoo.

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