The Bakehouse i Dublin 1

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IrlandThe Bakehouse



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6, Bachelors Walk, Dublin 1, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 873 4279
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3468272, Longitude: -6.2629875

kommentar 5

  • Nathaniel Arias-Velez

    Nathaniel Arias-Velez


    This place is one of Dublin's hidden gems when it comes to breakfast. The location is very central and allows for it to be easily found. The restaurant itself isn't very big but they can fit a lot of people with the space they have. The staff is also very friendly and even though they work at a fast pace, are attentive. The food is amazing. I had the skillet breakfast and my friend had a bacon plate - unfortunately I don't remember the exact name. We also shared an order of the pancakes. Our favorite item (as ironic as it is) were the potatoes - I don't know how they're cooked but they're perfectly crunchy on the outside and soft and warm on the inside without being too hot or too dry. I highly recommend coming here if you're considering it. The skillet plate also does an amazing job of giving a new spin on the typical Irish breakfast while reaching new levels of flavor.

  • Dylan Lee

    Dylan Lee


    This is what I’d refer to as a ‘traditional’ breakfast and lunch spot – but a really good one at that. They have the typical lunch and brunch offerings you’d come to expect but instead of your smashed avocados and eggs benedict you have bacon sarnies and full grills. It’s definitely a nice change of pace if you want that good old fashioned food and atmosphere. I usually go for the Bakehouse Grill and apple juice, it doesn’t disappoint. This is a good spot to check out for a weekend lunch or brunch on the northside if you’ve had too much Brother Hubbard’s (somehow).

  • michael schweyher

    michael schweyher


    Lecker Frühstück, schneller service

  • de

    Maike S.


    Also wenn man irgendwo gut frühstücken möchte, dann hier

  • de

    Sascha Boch


    Sehr geiler Laden mit tollem Frühstück, sehr netter Bedienung und sogar guter Musik

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