PAIR Mobile Wilton SC, Cork - iPhone Repairs Cork - Smartphone Repairs Wilton SC, Cork i Cork

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IrlandPAIR Mobile Wilton SC, Cork - iPhone Repairs Cork - Smartphone Repairs Wilton SC, Cork



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Sarsfield Road, T12TK2D, Cork, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 21 235 5557
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Latitude: 51.881242, Longitude: -8.508211

kommentar 5

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    Joao Alves da Silva


    Trying to tell the story without opinion and you make yours. I gone to this shop to buy a Battery for the Galaxy S5. they told me that they have to request since they didn't had in stock. Suddenly they found a battery in the store and came with a battery in a plastic bag with no marks at all. They change my battery and then they felt a little bit uncomfortable when I ask for my old battery. Next day I gone to a walk at 10 am with the battery fully charged and the battery survived until 3pm. I returned to the shop and I ask for a refund since Galaxy S5 with a new battery usually let me use the entire day using Strava in my bike I explained the story like 3 times and they decide to do the refund. The employee asked for my credit card to do the refund of 35 euros. When I carefully looked to the credit card receipt I saw that they had charged me 35 euros more again instead of refund I protested and finally they made a return of 70 euros to my credit card. As you can guess my opinion about that store can't be an educated one.

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    Emily O'Brien


    Kind, friendly staff who took my phone away immediately for repair. I had my phone back within the estimated time stated which was an extra bonus. Great service

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    Fionan Cogan


    Very helpful staff. Great selection of covers. Excellent value too

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    Nicola Grealy


    today was the first time visiting this store today. I found the staff to be really helpful and products well laid out. Was very happy to buy and will be returning tomorrow to purchase 2 ipod touch covers for my children.

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    Martina Olden


    Extremely helpful. The screen on my iphone was replaced while I waited. Not a bad price either.

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