Soundstore - Wilton i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSoundstore - Wilton



🕗 åbningstider

Sarsfield Road, Cork, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 434 3377
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.8689389, Longitude: -8.5067211

kommentar 5

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    Keith Cotter


    The day I was here got what I needed but seemed to be a bit short staffed. I was waiting about 15 minutes for someone to assist me eventually I had to go looking for a staff member. Could have just been bad timing. I would shop here again.

  • Cliona Mannion

    Cliona Mannion


    just left after waiting 15 mins for sales rep and we were kitting out our entire kitchen!

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    Michael C


    Good for computer and electrical goods. Printing of digital photography also.

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    Marie Hartnett


    I bought a fridge freezer from Sound Store. The gentleman who sold it was very nice and obviously delighted to make a sale. He was told two people would be needed to deliver same as it's up two flights of stairs. It was delivered this morning by two gentlemen. The younger one had to do all the work as the other gentleman had a bad back. (DOES INSURANCE COVER THIS). I felt really sorry for the younger man. As I'm on my own as a 60 year old woman, I was left to unpack same and position it where I wanted it to go. Just to say, please have consideration for the older person

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    Donal O' Sullivan


    Fab. Staff so so helpful .. Eithne as always n Helen so helpful. What a great job she made with my photos on a block. Delighted with the finished product.

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