Penneys i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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39, O'Connell Street Lower, D01 PY90, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 656 6666
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Latitude: 53.3487965, Longitude: -6.2608603

kommentar 5

  • Joanne Carson

    Joanne Carson


    Sizes need to be checked sizes 14 to 16 are like size 10 to 12 seriously who is in charge. Who's the buyer!! Women are curvy these days not skin and bones thats just not natural.

  • Richard Nugent

    Richard Nugent


    Same as every other large Penny's really. I have to compliment the clearness and neatness for such a large store. I've seen some Penny's not one tenth of the size and the amount of clothes and hangars thrown all over the place was shocking.

  • en

    Naomi Quigley


    Great penny's store. Fantastic selection and good size range available. Very friendly and helpful staff. It's always quite busy but you never have to wait long in the queues as they're very efficient.

  • en

    Minja Bisnis


    Super helpful staff. Great for affordable fashion and nice homewares, and their own brand makeup is surprisingly good for the price. The foundation shade range is particularly good. First time I've ever been able to buy a "drugstore" foundation and not had to add white to make it pale enough!

  • en

    Martin Virza


    Great shop, l'm love in it 😊 usually have great selection of men wear. All could you wish for. Trousers, shorts, shoes and more. There are even more stuff for girl and kids, but them for myself. Prices are excellent, quality good. You have to wait for cashier ... that's even better you can get a small things that you didn't know you need it.

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