Petworld Dublin Santry i Dublin 9

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPetworld Dublin Santry



🕗 åbningstider

Swords Road, Dublin 9, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 842 9401
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.392077, Longitude: -6.24961

kommentar 5

  • Leianne Lacsamana

    Leianne Lacsamana


    They offer a variety of dog foods even the special ones at an affordable price. They also sell beds and accessories for dogs.

  • en

    elleymay kavanagh


    Great pet shop and very good shopping center..plenty for all an lots of eateries👍

  • Keresztes Nándor

    Keresztes Nándor


    Very friendly stuff, isn't too big, but you can find pretty much everything what your pet needs, recommend!

  • Geraldine Murray

    Geraldine Murray


    I highly recommend Pet world in Santry as I was there this afternoon and the girl who served me was so helpful, she had my order at the counter as I rang ahead and she helped me to my car, giving me lots of tips about my dog. Thanks (didn't catch her name)

  • Aidan Feehan

    Aidan Feehan


    Very friendly staff who make a huge deal over or dogs whenever we arrive :) Very knowledgeable and they know their products inside out. Our dogs love visiting here. Often special offers. Join the loyalty club and earn real money off (not points) on purchases.

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