Platform 61 i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPlatform 61



🕗 åbningstider

27, William Street South, D02 RP86, Dublin 2, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 558 3932
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Latitude: 53.3416315, Longitude: -6.2630539

kommentar 5

  • Conor Duffy

    Conor Duffy


    Fantastic place for brunch - plenty of selection on the menu with numerous options for vegetarian and vegan diets. Bottomless mimosas are highly recommend and they're very generous with refills! Staff are absolutely lovely and very helpful, will definitely be going back.

  • en

    Alan Wright


    Amazing service. Delicious food. Try the steak. One of the best around.

  • Tomas Bodin

    Tomas Bodin


    I had a fantastic good experience at P61 where I had the best 'Avocado Toast' in Dublin. I had it without the egg, with extra avocado and parmesan. That in combination with excellent service made my for an great visit.

  • Anne Langan

    Anne Langan


    Myself and party had an excellent time here. There were 10 of us for a 21st in varying ages. The food was fantastic the service was second to none and a lovely evening was had by us all 😊

  • Katie Flinn

    Katie Flinn


    We had the bottomless mimosas with our brunch and the top ups were free flowing and generous. The food was delicious and the service was friendly. Would definitely recommend!

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