SuperValu Churchtown i Churchtown

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSuperValu Churchtown



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13, Braemor Road, Churchtown, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 298 4917
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.296459, Longitude: -6.260489

kommentar 5

  • Sinéad Davis Mooney

    Sinéad Davis Mooney


    Good supermarket. Had everything you need.

  • J J

    J J


    This SuperValu has some kosher items. Small Bamba are back. Beware of Reduced offers on fruit and vegetables - they are mouldy.

  • Chad Kennedy

    Chad Kennedy


    One of the largest selections of eggs I have seen in a supermarket this side of the Liffey. The trolleys here are of premium quality and are nice to drive. The conveyor belts at the checkouts are always working and run at a lovely speed. Receipts are printed on good quality paper and the ink doesn't fade too fast. Thanks.

  • Mary Rose Dwyer

    Mary Rose Dwyer


    I do my weekly shop here. I love it the variety and the fresh food. Fabulous fish counter. Great Gluten free section. Also have picked up great crackers and biscuits in their Kosher Department. Lovely vegan hummus There is something for everybody. The staff are very helpful and friendly. Always have a nice word for you on the check-out.

  • Catherine Kennedy

    Catherine Kennedy


    Very pleasant experience visiting.Very helpful staff.Fresh food beautifully displayed. The meat and fish counter looked very inviting. great selection of breads and cakes.Store very neat and clean.The flower display outside and plants looked appropriate for spring.A great magazine and paper selection.Many other items could spend hours browsing. will definitely return.

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