Tesco Metro i Dublin 6

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandTesco Metro



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Rathmines Road Upper, Dublin 6, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1890 928 475
internet side: www.tesco.com
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Latitude: 53.3210126, Longitude: -6.2659235

kommentar 5

  • en

    Victor Surman


    good selection. nice service

  • en

    Ricardo Costa


    Fresh fruits and vegetables and great for groceries! I love it!

  • Patrick Marjolet

    Patrick Marjolet


    Sad place. Ok for emergency shopping. On the positive side they are open late

  • Cristina A

    Cristina A


    Big Tesco store, open until late, also during weekend. Very handy and fully stocked. Sometimes produce is not fresh and in the evening the bakery area is almost empty. All the big brands are sold here. Very crowded after office hours but the fast lanes are very useful.

  • Julz Jazmin

    Julz Jazmin


    I can't praise the staff here high enough. They are always friendly and very helpful. The shop is always clean and well kept. But the building is a bit like a barn, and when it rains, there are leaks dripping down in many places. The Tesco own products are a continuous let down: one kilo bag of porridge oats, 180 gms short of. Hair in apricot chutney. Opened bag of washed lettuce, dead fly in it. Notice of Tesco product recall: moth larvae in the packs of sesame seeds. I found a daddy long leg in my olive spread.......! You will do well to not buy the "own" brand, and that way fare better. I am not blaming the shop for these mistakes. Just Tesco as the brand. Buyers beware.

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