Swan's Bar i Curragha

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IrlandSwan's Bar



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Curragha, Knavinstown, Ashbourne, Co. Meath, A84 RR52, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 835 0236
internet side: www.swansbar.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.5399601, Longitude: -6.4424169

kommentar 5

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    Marcin Walczuk


    My visit was only brief, but I was impressed by the place. It has a fantastic layout several bars looks fabulous and people are very nice. Prices are very much affordable. Life music is there almost every evening I think. There is a place outside where you can eat and drink. When it's raining there is an open space with roof so you won't get wet. All in all this is a good place for a visit in the country.

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    John Hogan


    Great pint friendly staff and they drop you home what more do you want

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    Louisa Mc Mahon


    Love this place with fab old Irish interior, especially the quiet snug part with the real little fire. Great live bands and atmosphere on Friday nights and great hot ports!

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    Stephen Heavey


    One of the best bars to visit in Ireland .. if your looking for a great night out for all ages visit swans of curragha on a Saturday night excellent facilities excellent bar staff and of course normal prices no night club prices 5/5 for me

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    Louise Phelan


    Great place. Had a fabulous day celebrating my nephews wedding (day after). Lovrly staff and the locals are very friendly.

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