Mancinis Urban i Ashbourne

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMancinis Urban



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1, Killegland Court, A84 PH27, Ashbourne, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 969 0864
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Latitude: 53.511598, Longitude: -6.400693

kommentar 5

  • Sonia Rennicks

    Sonia Rennicks


    Amazing value on their early bird. Huge portions. Lots of options. Attentive and swift service. Friendly staff. Flavoursome and interesting food. Open for lunch and early bird served all day. Conveniently located. This is a regular spot for me. No complaints.

  • en

    Ciara Donnellan


    Varied and delicious food which was incredibly reasonable (Early Bird) and generously portioned. A charming and enjoyable atmosphere which is complemented by the charismatic waiting staff.

  • en

    Anne O' Connor


    Food is delicious, authentic Italian and great value. The staff welcome customers like long lost family. It's a very enjoyable evening out 👍😃

  • en

    Shane Michaels


    Love this restaurant, always has a lovely atmosphere. Menu has changed recently and have to say there is less choice for us now as we dont eat meat. The veggie burger is not very good. They used to do an amazing Superfoid salad which is no longer on the menu.We will still visit as the kids love it and the staff are great but probably not as often unless they cater better for vegetarian/ vegan

  • en

    brian kingston


    Below average food. The mushroom sauce was like powder made pepper sauce with mushrooms. The carabonara tasted processed, tubs of sauce. Calamari, frozen and rubbery. Little seems to be cooked with good fresh ingredients. It was cheap and the service was fast and friendly. Pity about the food.

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