The Central Hotel Donegal i Donegal

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Central Hotel Donegal



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The Diamond, Glebe, Donegal, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 74 972 1027
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.6535751, Longitude: -8.1107278

kommentar 5

  • Sandra Stewart

    Sandra Stewart


    Beautiful hotel food is excellent and staff are very friendly and helpful would come back again

  • SineadAK 2012

    SineadAK 2012


    Stayed for 3 nights in July in room 297 with a gorgeous view of the bay. Room was really clean and a good size. Breakfast was great for setting you up for the day as we travelled all over Donegal. Delighted we chose this hotel for our stay in Donegal.

  • Shelley Gillespie

    Shelley Gillespie


    Restaurant was fab, lovely food, breakfast was ok and check in was very basic, we had to ask where to go, about parking, and breakfast and check out! Room had a lovely view but needs more plugs! Had to take in turns to charge our phones!

  • Ast F

    Ast F


    Friendly staff, an nice clean rooms. Love the tablet in the room which displays all activities in the area

  • Amanda Barber

    Amanda Barber


    Very clean and helpful staff. Enjoyed being right in town and walking to everything. We did not eat at the restaurants in the actual hotel.

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