The French Paradox Wine Shop & Wine Bars i Dublin 4

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IrlandThe French Paradox Wine Shop & Wine Bars



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53, Shelbourne Road, D04 XC66, Dublin 4, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 660 4068
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Latitude: 53.33017, Longitude: -6.232096

kommentar 5

  • Huw Tindall

    Huw Tindall


    The paradox is why this wine bar come restaurant come wine cellar isn't more popular at lunch times. Great value traditional menu of French food and wines to complement. Staff are always friendly and efficient. Regular spot for me and the team.

  • Angelina Pozharskaya

    Angelina Pozharskaya


    Friendly staff, tasty wine and delicious appetizers. Brown bread is to die for!!!

  • Lynn Mazloum

    Lynn Mazloum


    My Favorite Restaurant in Dublin! Cosy, warm, delicious French food (delicious is the least we can say) and wines, with very welcoming waiters, and knowledgeable about wines. A must for an evening full of pleasure !

  • linda scotti

    linda scotti


    Amazing food and wine, will be back very soon. Really loved the atmosphere and the quality of the experience.

  • en

    Donal Linehan


    Cuisine and menu choice is satisfactory to good. Service and knowledge of wines is second to none.

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