The Happy Pear i Greystones

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IrlandThe Happy Pear



🕗 åbningstider

Church Road, Greystones, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 287 3655
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Latitude: 53.1454717, Longitude: -6.064194

kommentar 5

  • Joanna Loutsis

    Joanna Loutsis


    I love it here! We travelled down especially from Dublin. A lovely coastal train ride. We had coffee and cake at the cafe and later on, had lunch. The food was delightful. The atmosphere is busy, friendly, warm and rather magical. Greystones is well worth exploring too. A grand day out!

  • en

    Elizabeth Mohling


    Just a great place. A variety of vegan/vegeterian options all well prepared and beautifully served plus the nicest staff you can imagine. All this at remarkably good prices. Just go.

  • en

    magdalena pierce


    I love everything I try in this place! Food is health and so delicious at the same time! The deco upstairs is very cool and cosy with the fire place on. Let's not forget the super friendly staff! Well done, great place!

  • Frankie W

    Frankie W


    Thoroughly deserving of all the praise that has been heaped upon it, the Happy Pear fulfilled all our requirements, and then some. The food was delicious, nutritious and well presented. The single origin coffee was also exquisite and the baristas were on top of their game. We actually made the pilgrimage from Spain especially. We'll no doubt be back again as soon as the opportunity arises. Long live the vegan way.

  • Erik Jensen

    Erik Jensen


    Der serveres dejlig vegetarmad.

nærmeste Cafe

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