The Meetings i The Meetings

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IrlandThe Meetings



🕗 åbningstider

1, Castlehoward, The Meetings, Co. Wicklow, Y14 VW08, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 402 35226
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.884991, Longitude: -6.233321

kommentar 5

  • Shirley Ahearne

    Shirley Ahearne


    10/10. Lovely and clean room, brilliant and friendly staff, couldn't have enjoyed our stay there more. Definitely will be back. Would recommend them very highly.

  • en

    Michael Burke


    Food and staff were great, if it wasn't for the layer of cigarette buts outside I'd have given it a higher star. Be warned. ... if you are a light sleeper the balcony on the river side is used late into the night early morning for smoking creating a lot of noise

  • en

    Mohammed Al-Sammarraie


    It was an amazing experience, people are so friendly and kind. The rivers meeting view was mesmerizing. Very clean and cozy. Would definitely recommend this place of you like to enjoy the countryside.

  • Dan Hartman

    Dan Hartman


    My family stayed at The Meetings in June 2017. The facility has everything one would want from a rural hotel - pub, bar, restaurant and a small shop. The room was clean and updated, and looked out over the river. The pub was very vibrant, especially during an international football match between Ireland and Austria. When we got home, we discovered that I had forgotten our son's baby blanket. Derek and the staff went above and beyond, finding the blanket and posting it back to us in the US. This mad a huge difference for me and my wife, since the blanket was handmade by my mother-in-law. I wouldn't hesitate to stay at The Meetings again when in the area.

  • en

    Sue White


    I really enjoyed my stay. The people were friendly and very helpful. They made me feel welcome. Food was good and accommodation clean and comfortable, perfectly adequate for my needs. There's a lovely little park down beside where the waters meet too. I wished I could have stayed longer.

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