Zenergy Yoga Studio i Dundalk

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandZenergy Yoga Studio



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Main Street, Dundalk, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 86 207 5152
internet side: zenergy-yoga-studio.business.site
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Latitude: 53.9636413, Longitude: -6.3658483

kommentar 5

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    Bryan OConnor


  • Cat Elliott

    Cat Elliott


    The teachers here are outstanding. So intelligent and creative in their teaching. So loving and kind. And Orla, my god, that woman is a yogi goddess - she teaches from her heart, with love, kindness, and so much wisdom. Perfect place for beginners to advanced, young to older ages - this is the go to yoga spot!!

  • Gerry Duffy

    Gerry Duffy


    Our 18 year old daughter Claire started with Orla from Zenergy Yoga this year. Initially she was apprehensive as she was venturing into the unknown. With Orlas personal guidance from the start, she has learned to love the magnificent world that yoga has to offer and is flourishing within the group class. Marie.

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    Sarah Cat Brennan


    I can't recommend Zenergy yoga studio enough! I started practicing yoga regularly about 18 months ago with Orla, the owner and founder of the studio, and it really has had such a positive impact on my life. Orla is an amazing teacher and always makes me feel welcome, and from the beginning she showed me that I was capable of so much more than I realised, which was such a confidence boost. Zenergy caters for all levels and no matter what stage you are at you will be welcomed and encouraged and made feel part of the warm community of yogis Orla has brought together.

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    Frankie Mohan


    Brilliant place to participate in a class. If you are from a sporting background, injury recovery, want to destress, or just want to do a yoga or acro. All shapes, sizes and abilities catered for. Orla's energy and dedication is contagious. The new purpose built studio has every type of class desirable and with new teachers now on board, every teaching style desirable.

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