Beefstreet i Dublin 16

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Dundrum Town Centre, Pembroke District, Dundrum, Dublin 16, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 298 8874
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2885411, Longitude: -6.2440333

kommentar 5

  • en

    mick kelly


    Not family friendly at all we were refuse entry because we had a baby with us however the couple behind us were not, the staff did not even wait for us to leave before offering the table that we were looking at to the couple behind us.

  • en

    Maliosa McKeon


    Spent my Valentine's evening there tonight, the food was pretty good and reasonably priced, the service was fast and the waiting staff were friendly and attentive. I had a perfect evening

  • Piotr Jankowski

    Piotr Jankowski


    Świetne steki. Bardzo dobrej jakości wołowina co odbija się na ich cenie. Obsługa troszkę zagubiona, jakoś jej mało. Sami musieliśmy ją wzywać i prosić o pomoc. Zadziwiające, że z samym stekiem, oprócz frytek lub puree nie jest podawana jakaś sałatka lub choćby kilka warzyw na boku.

  • Alan Gordon

    Alan Gordon


    We went to Beeftro for lunch thanks to the Pigsback deal which was very good value. Arrived around lunch time on a Saturday and it was quiet - service was fast, staff were friendly and the food & wine were both good.

  • Robbie Lee

    Robbie Lee


    Had a meal here tonight with my wife. Fantastic service with very friendly staff. Beautiful food too. Highly recommend this restaurant for a quality night out. Will definitely be back.

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