The Counter i Dublin 16

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Counter



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020, Dundrum Town Centre, Dundrum, Dublin 16, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 216 4929
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Latitude: 53.2885739, Longitude: -6.2441433

kommentar 5

  • en

    tommy aquinas


    Staff are very friendly here. The service is top notch. I'd recommended this place to anyone hungry in Dundrum Town Centre. Go for the sweet potato fries on the side.

  • Zakatak 1976

    Zakatak 1976


    This place is great! I have been here many times and every time I come I am amazed by the food. Sure, there can be a long queue, and a long wait for food. But in my opinion. COME HERE

  • Tessa Claire

    Tessa Claire


    Service was a little slow but burgers were amazing! So much choice, olives and avocado on your burger? Sure. You can get most things on it 👏🏼 Really fresh vegetarian options which I do appreciate

  • en

    Aoife Ryan


    The Counter has a great menu for food and drink, and is in a great spot in Dundrum Town Centre's Pembroke District. What could go wrong? The only real detractions are the length of time it takes for them to make those delicious burgers and sides, and the fact that you can't book a table in advance (although that's fairly common in Dundrum). Still - well worth a try. My personal recommendation is for the salmon burger with BBQ sauce, and some sweet potato fries - proper order.

  • Andy Cowan

    Andy Cowan


    Decent food. I liked the concept of building your own burger and how the sauces you order come out on the side so you make it how you like it. Staff were attentive and friendly. The negative for me is that it misses a 'wow factor' on both burgers and fries. Nothing that would make me rush back even though it was decent enough, a nice fill and fairly reasonable in price.

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