Bella Spa i Limerick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBella Spa



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Mary Street, V94 D27F, Limerick, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 89 442 1659
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Latitude: 52.6678497, Longitude: -8.6221487

kommentar 5

  • Felikss Veilands

    Felikss Veilands


    A great place.

  • Joe Asher

    Joe Asher


    I’ve been here a number of times now. It’s fair to say that it operated out of an apartment for a period of time and while this was a bit awkward the service was still very good. The new establishment is in a nice area and well kitted out. Masseuses change all the time and while I did notice a slight dip in standard with one masseuse all of the rest have been top quality. I see a review saying it is not a professional establishment and I understand why they say this but I would say that while I have been offered ‘extra’ services occasionally there is no obligation to avail of them and despite this I would say that the massages I have received are very good quality. I will keep returning as long as this standard remains. Thank you Bella Spa for your excellent service.

  • Mark O Relly

    Mark O Relly


    I have been to Most Massage establishments in Ireland. Here is my experience not professional salon in apartment. - Offered Extras and more by Therapist - Yes

  • Ilze Ilzuks

    Ilze Ilzuks


    All the time new Spa therapists. Nice chocolate massage. Shower available. Nice and clean.

  • Ieva Markevica

    Ieva Markevica


    The best place, most amazing massage. Highly recommended!

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