Dromoland Castle Hotel i Newmarket-on-Fergus

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IrlandDromoland Castle Hotel



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Dromoland Castle Hotel, Dromoland, Newmarket-on-Fergus, Co. Clare, V95 ATD3, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 61 368 144
internet side: www.dromoland.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.7830484, Longitude: -8.9056364

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lee Manzanares


    Not much of the the castle that we were able to see without getting a room there but very cool and beautiful place to see. I would most definitely recommend having afternoon tea there. Very very nice and upscale. I would like to get a room there just to see the rest of the castle

  • en

    Christian Ames


    What a wonderful experience. From the moment we were greeted by John at the door to the moment we left. The dinner was 5 star, after we moved into the bar & partied all evening. Breakfast was well done then we went on a carriage ride with Popeye

  • Lin Ux

    Lin Ux


    My wife, daughter & I only went there to dine. The majestic rooms and amenable staff lend themselves to a unique dining experience. After the meal we took a stroll around the 'Walkwalled' fairy gardens, access to which we gained via the golf club-house. I would encourage anyone to visit.

  • Francis Pearce

    Francis Pearce


    I regret that I was only able to stay for a day since we were only passing through. We had tea next to the fire in one of the parlors which was fantastic. Had dinner which was good (4 stars), presentation of the dinner (5 stars), service and hospitality of the wait staff at dinner (5 out of 5 stars). All the staff here went above and beyond for us. This was our first trip to the Ireland and the stay here was the highlight of a wonderful experience.

  • Alex Miednik

    Alex Miednik


    Zamek-hotel w otoczeniu parku, wody i pola golfowego. Dobre miejsce na długie spacery. W pobliżu też jest las ze ścieżką spacerową. Zamek okazały z pięknymi salami. Warto wstąpić nawet na chwilę aby wypić herbatę czy kawę w restauracji i posiedzieć w zamkowej atmosferze

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