Dromoland Castle Hotel i Newmarket on Fergus

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IrlandDromoland Castle Hotel



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Dromoland, Newmarket on Fergus, Co. Clare, V95 ATD3, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 368 144
internet side: www.dromoland.ie
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Latitude: 52.7830484, Longitude: -8.9056364

kommentar 5

  • Rune Sølvsteen

    Rune Sølvsteen


    Most amazing stay! Expensive, but worth every penny. Rooms are gorgeous. Staff is kind and attentive. Golf club restaurant needs an overhaul, both of concept, interior and food in order to live up to Dromoland Castle. If you visit make sure to book a space in the main restaurant ahead of time. That’s a fabulous experience. We had breakfast and High tea. Amazing!! And do all the activities you can with the exterior providers. They are awesome. We did clay shooting, Archery and Pony & Trap rides. Fantastic !!!

  • Bettina Daubermann

    Bettina Daubermann


    Just popped in for a walk about and a cup of tea in the gallery. Manicured neat gardens. Exquisite interior decor. Professional and friendly staff. Relaxing classical music. Highly recommend this five star castle experience for an elegant treat.

  • patrick hendricks

    patrick hendricks


    This is a great experience. The staff, especially Michael and John, made the entire stay enjoyable. They took care of everything! The rooms were exquisite. The grounds are amazing, we did a hawk walk which was truly interesting. Definitely recommend if you find yourself in County Claire.

  • Athena Cochrane

    Athena Cochrane


    Remarkable castle! At first I felt a tad bit out of place because of how breathe taking it was to stay in a true looking castle. There was Porter's that opened all of our doors and shook our hands and asked us individually how we were doing and genuinely cared and there was four of us. After we were shown to our room I had a bag missing and the Porter's went back to the car and retrieved my bag very quickly. The room was spectacular in the space and accommodations. The pool and jacuzzi was the perfect temperature for our traveling bodies. The dinner was beyond 5 stars. The service from the front desk to the wait staff to the staff at the pool area was all in sync and you can count on your requests to be fulfilled quickly. Our time here was very short lived but all the extra stuff they have like golf, clay shooting and archery was extraordinary experiences. Truly a 5 stat hotel with 5 star everything.

  • Scott Toal

    Scott Toal


    Definitely a 5 Star experience. The Dromoland is a worthwhile adventure out of Shannon Airport. The grounds are beautiful. The activities from golf to falconry to the pony trap historic ride are a wonderful opportunity to experience the exquisite beauty of this Irish estate. The staff here are first rate, hospitable and genuine. The history behind this place is fantastic.

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