Books & Gifts Florists i Kilcock

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IrlandBooks & Gifts Florists



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2, Church Street, Kilcock, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 628 7106
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.402009, Longitude: -6.670176

kommentar 5

  • Tara Lane

    Tara Lane


    An absolute gem of a shop. Stocks nearly everything including flowers, knitting wool, stationery, toys, school books and uniforms, books, beautiful gifts, lamps, cards and lots more. If you are looking for a lovely gift or a school copy, you will get it in Books and Gifts. If they don't have it, they will do their best to order it in for you. I even bought a chess set there once! Really competitive prices and fantastic service. Highly recommended.

  • sharon byrne

    sharon byrne


    Big thanks to all at books and gifts for a fantastic, creative, and professional service. Our hampers were excellent.. tailored to each client .. packed with goodies and value.. can't recommend highly enough and will be getting our hampers there from now on.

  • David Mullally

    David Mullally


    Great florist and gift shop. Una and Lorna do amazing floral arrangemends and have some great gift ideas. Super customer service keeps us as loyal customers. Dave and Sinead

  • en

    Deirdre Sinclair


    I love Books & Gifts in Kilcock. Have always bought school books there throughout the years, gifts for kids, birthday and Christmas gifts, flowers etc. Great selection. One of my favourite things in my house is an amazing huge clock I bought there last year. Una and Lorna are great to deal with and are always fantastic at supporting other local businesses in the town.

  • en



    Great local shop. From school books and uniforms to the perfect gift. This shop has it all. Great range of pictures and ornaments also.

nærmeste Bog butik

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