Boyne Valley Hotel & Country Club i Drogheda

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBoyne Valley Hotel & Country Club



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Dublin Road, Drogheda, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 41 983 7737
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Latitude: 53.708382, Longitude: -6.314139

kommentar 5

  • en

    Margaret Reilly


    Attended a course run by epilepsy Ireland. Were made feel very comfortable and welcome. Lunch provided was fresh ,hot and delicious. Staff extremely friendly.

  • Mark Dawson

    Mark Dawson


    Great food, very nice and friendly staff, they had our kids in stitches laughing and very welcoming. Beautiful grounds as well.

  • en

    Martin carragher


    Stayed in the Boyne Valley Hotel last night with my family. We had a very good stay. The staff were very friendly, helpful and professional in what they do. The food was excellent, especially the breakfast. I would fully recommend this hotel for a relaxing and pleasant break.

  • en

    Liam Stewart


    Lovely room. Clean fresh facilities. Dinner was lovely and seemed to be freshly prepared. Breakfast had a great variety of options and hot food options were prepared to order. Staff incredibly helpful and went out of their way to make you feel welcome. Car park also had plenty of space and didn't require walking long distances to get to the hotel.

  • Barbara Cantini

    Barbara Cantini


    Il parco in cui si trova l'hotel è bello e curato, ma non si può dire altrettanto dell'albergo, che è infatti in ristrutturazione. Abbiamo alloggiato nelle camere vecchie, non ancora ristrutturate, sono grandi ma hanno decisamente bisogno di ammodernamento. Letto e cuscini comunque comodi, grande bagno. Decisamente silenzioso. Lo staff non è all'altezza dello standard medio irlandese, forse sono a disagio anche loro per la situazione. La colazione invece è ottima e abbondante, costituita da un vasto buffet a cui si aggiungono le opzioni cucinate espresse, tipo full irish breakfast, uova, salsicce, bacon e quant'altro. L'hotel dispone di una piscina lunga 20m con vasca per bimbi piccoli, sauna e jacuzzi, spogliatoi e docce (asciugamani forniti gratuitamente agli ospiti dell'hotel).

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