Boyne Valley Leisure & Fitness Centre i Stameen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBoyne Valley Leisure & Fitness Centre


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Dublin Road, Stameen, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 41 984 3280
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Latitude: 53.7090499, Longitude: -6.3139924

kommentar 5

  • en

    Darragh Woods


    BVCC is fine as gyms go. Nothing special. A bit too busy in the evenings. Would also be nice to have an option to drop a bar during a deadlift if needed but unfortunately the weights are upstairs and it's not allowed. Construction work going on very slowly for the last few months with minor disruption. Some of the equipment needs attention. The place is very dated and the lockers are in particularly bad condition. I can generally get my workout done at busy times by changing the order until certain things are free. It's in walking distance and has a pool which are the main reasons I choose it. Couple of other gyms in Drogheda I preferred but were a bit further away.




    The staff were mind and the facilities were great

  • en

    Lynn Meade


    Ladies dressing rooms and entrance to swimming pool seem to be always dirty. Hair everywhere in the showers. Floors also full of hair and dirty water. They need to have someone assigned to clean this area regularly

  • Jessica Drew

    Jessica Drew


    Been a member for two summers now and have found some of the staff quite unfriendly... Popped in today for a body fat check to see if I had made any progress and unfortunately hadn't lost much which I accepted as my own fault... However didn't appreciate the instructor bluntly telling me I had a 'very high bmi' and that I was overweight for my age (since when is a bmi of 24 unhealthy?) then went on to patronize me in regards to my diet and training, scolding me like a child... Left feeling pretty humiliated and she really knocked my confidence as I felt I had improved so much in terms of strength and fitness. Just would have liked some encouragement rather than being told off!

  • JC



    Friendly staff. Newly refurbished pool area and well equipped gym. Changing rooms and showers in need of renovation. Very popular gym

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