BUOYS KITCHEN i Greystones

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Church Road, Greystones, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 287 4807
internet side: www.buoyskitchen.com
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Latitude: 53.143728, Longitude: -6.060876

kommentar 5

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    Carmel Tracey


    Revisited here last Sunday with my family as we recently had breakfast there a few weeks ago and loved it. The food was ordered but there was numerous things on the menu not available because they ran out of items on a busy Sunday. My husband and nephew ordered the chicken burger when they arrived at the table my nephew lifted the top of his burger and said oh they forgot the sauce on mine my husband lifted his and he had some on his. So he said it to the waitress as you would if they could correct this. The waitress went to the pass which is an open pass and relaid his request for sauce. The chef had a meltdown at this request and said the sauce was at the bottom of the burger on his not on the top but there was so little it wasn't visible with the lettuce onion and chicken burger over it so it was a simple error on our part. However the request was taken very personal by the chef and instead of saying they sauce is actually on the bottom of it but if the customer would like more I would be delighted to put more on. Or even give the waitress a side order so the customer may add more if desired. I don't think it was a major request but because it's an open pass and we could see all this unfold it made all our party very uncomfortable and we didn't enjoy our visit here. The manager took our complaint and was very professional compared to her colleague. I won't be back and won't be recommending this facility in greystones as there is plenty of cafes and restaurants in greystones to choose from. Pity.

  • Mandache Dinu

    Mandache Dinu


    Awesome place. I totally recommend! The food is great as well as the staff!

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    Mihaela Todireanu


    I went to buoys kitchen this week I had avocado and mozzarella sandwich and my friend had a brie burger was absolutely amazing with really friendly staff keep it up guys finished with their delicious deserts. we will definitely return

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    mark brennan


    Food was excellent and staff were very friendly and very good too. The ribs were outstanding and are very much recommended. Some nice local craft beers on order to so fair play to them for supporting the local micro brewery (O Brother). It's not cheap eat but you get what you pay for. Our first time eating there but will be going back

  • Cifer Almasy

    Cifer Almasy


    Kaffee war gut und Preislich auch in Rahmen. Der Strand ist 5min entfernt und draußen hat man eine sehr schöne Kleinstadtaussicht.

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