Theatre lane i Greystones

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IrlandTheatre lane


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Theatre Lane, Greystones, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 255 7294
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Latitude: 53.144392, Longitude: -6.0643829

kommentar 5

  • Ronan McKenna

    Ronan McKenna


    Very welcoming evening for my wife's birthday. Staff were very attentive to service and craft. Highly recommend choosing Theatre lane for a guaranteed all round good experience. My third visit with more to come. Sadly learnt the restaurant is no longer in business.

  • sharon morrison

    sharon morrison


    Brilliant little theatre - cosy, classy & buzzy, with diverse listings - Music/plays/stand up Highly recommend a visit

  • en

    Sarah Waddell


    Breakfast was tasty but very small portion

  • Elaine McParland

    Elaine McParland


    I have been a fan of Theater Lane since it opened it's doors but I have to say, tonight even I was blown out of the water by the experience we had. The dinner was one of the best meals of my life.. the new chef has brought this little cafe to another level altogether. All four of us were just stunned by the quality of the food. You have to go and eat there.. believe me, you won't be disappointed. Well done to a great team!

  • Gavin Murphy

    Gavin Murphy


    Top quality food. Some really top notch cooking going on here and very professional friendly service.

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