Clayton Hotel Silver Springs i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandClayton Hotel Silver Springs


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Tivoli, Cork, T23 E244, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 21 450 7533
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Latitude: 51.904003, Longitude: -8.424114

kommentar 5

  • en

    John Greer


    Nice clean place, no ac rooms very hot when heating is on.good sound proofing on the windows. As you are very near the road and railway line.

  • TommyCee



    Facilities were good, as well as the food. Friendly staff too. No real issue at all. Overall a pleasure to visit.

  • en

    sarah feen


    Popped in this evening on our way home from a family outing for a bite to eat. The bar was not busy but we were left waiting for so long. No one came with menus, we went to the bar several times for these and drinks and once our order was taken it took almost an hour for our food to come out. Most of which was really poor quality and was sent back. Really disappointing. I would advise to stay away.

  • en

    Mark Cronin


    Nice hotel with great friendly staff. Will stay again. Breakfast is a buffet and has a great selection. The restaurant is delicious with reasonably priced food. Great for kids too. No pool on site but they give you a voucher for the leisure centre around the corner from the hotel. 2mins drive.

  • en

    nikita walsh


    The only downfall was that the leisure Centre was a 10 minute walk the directions we got were not very helpful it advise us to go out a fire door and when trying to get back in we found ourselfs locked out in the rain, the kettle in the room was also leaking and my partner burnt his hand from it and when we advised the receptionist she didn’t even bat an eyelid, also when moving in the bed the light would turn on and off. Not very satisfied with our stay

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