Fitzgeralds Vienna Woods Hotel and Holiday Homes i Glanmire

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IrlandFitzgeralds Vienna Woods Hotel and Holiday Homes



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Glanmire Wood, Glanmire, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 21 455 6800
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.9117729, Longitude: -8.4029528

kommentar 5

  • en

    Martina McAllister


    Had a lovely coffee and scone. Staff very nice and friendly. Beautiful location

  • sylvia timoney

    sylvia timoney


    Wonderful helpful staff.beautiful spot love the mix of the old and new .we had my son's christening on the Sunday after the big snow .our original hotel recommend them to us asthey couldn't host us after the bad was gorgeous and plentiful.children had space to play all together a great experience.

  • Ramey Echt

    Ramey Echt


    Absolutely charming hotel with amazing service . this is a small family run Hotel that cares deeply about t h e i r hotel and making guests happy . The customer service is outstanding. Breakfast is bountiful . Many wonderful places to sit by a fire and have a drink . The renovated rooms are done very nicely .

  • Randy Wilson

    Randy Wilson


    Gorgeous hotel. Renovated rooms are beautiful. Warm owners went the extra distance to make our tour group comfortable when we got caught in bad weather and stuck for two nights. Staff was all wonderful. One little glitch with the Netflix in the room, but not a big deal. Overall I would definitely come back. In fact, overall I would like to invite the owners to my home in California. Just lovely.

  • en

    Sarah Beausang


    Had a lovely 2 night stay here recently and it was nice and relaxing. The one thing the hotel lacks is a pool, other than that, everything was lovely! Specious bright rooms newly refurbished.

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