Copsewood Aviaries i Kilmacanoge

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IrlandCopsewood Aviaries



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Kilmacanogue House, Kilmacanoge South, Kilmacanoge, Co. Wicklow, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 286 2087
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Latitude: 53.1662365, Longitude: -6.133023

kommentar 5

  • Shane Quinn

    Shane Quinn


    Great place lots of animals

  • Positive Ageing

    Positive Ageing


    I had passed this business many times while out cycling and I always promised myself that when I had time I would call in and take some photos and video and do a review. That day was today 06/01/2018 and I spoke to the guys running the Avery. The were so helpful, even allowing me open cage doors in order to get the best shots. I declined as I was afraid some of the birds might escape. First off there is much more than just birds to see, they had Monkeys, Goats, Roosters, Chickens, Owls, Ducks, hamsters and a whole lot more. There were breeders buying stock, hobbiest buying food and accessories and business was going on as I walked around unhindered taking photos and video in order to do my review. I'm unable to name the different birds and animals gathered under one roof but I sure enjoyed myself. Young children would love this as would families. Its just a lovely day out and I know some people are against the caging of any birds but if were not for the likes of this Avery then the likes of me would never get to see and enjoy the beauty of the exotic birds on show. I for one wish them well and encourage you to visit and enjoy whats on show too. Many thanks to the owners and staff for all there help.

  • simon carroll

    simon carroll


    Pleasent and friendly Great place to go and see .

  • Fyralium



    Alot of variety with the bird and lots other animals for good prices. Very friendly

  • Maitiú Ó Nualláin

    Maitiú Ó Nualláin


    Such an interesting place. Worth a visit even if you don't intend buying anything. Such an array of birds and animals alike. The owner is very friendly and helpful!

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