Danabel Bed & Breakfast i Kinsale

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDanabel Bed & Breakfast


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Featherbed Lane, Kinsale, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 477 4087
internet side: www.danabel.com
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Latitude: 51.7073, Longitude: -8.51987

kommentar 5

  • Conor lane

    Conor lane


    Phil was very helpful. The rooms were clean and functional.

  • Steve Dixon

    Steve Dixon


    Had a very pleasant 4 night great location within walking distance of everything you need.

  • Peter Carr

    Peter Carr


    Nice clean with a charming host. Short walk from the centre. Parking easily available.

  • MaryKate Sullivan

    MaryKate Sullivan


    This was a wonderful B&B to stay at in Kinsale. Lovely, kind people and delicious breakfast. Very close to the town but to get there, you must go down a steep hill.

  • Joey R

    Joey R


    Very nice & comfortable B&B, is very clean, sparkling! Accomadating to tourists for the town. We found all that was needed in a short walk to dining. We recommend this B&B to all who visit Kinsale. Thank you for the hospitality!

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