The Old Presbytery i Kinsale

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IrlandThe Old Presbytery


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43, Cork Street, Kinsale, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 477 2027
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.706867, Longitude: -8.5248976

kommentar 5

  • en

    emmet delany


    Fantastic inn run by amazing people. Firstly, they upgraded us to a better room at no cost and we did not even request it. The rooms were spacious and modern, combining the charm of an 18th century building with complete updates. The breakfast was amazing. It is very close to the town and has parking. They let us keep our car on the date we were leaving well past our checkout time. Charm of an 18th century inn with all of the comforts of a 4 star hotel, well done!

  • Matt Jones

    Matt Jones


    This was the best B&B I stayed at in Ireland. The beds were like floating on clouds they were so comfortable. The room was excellent, and the breakfast was amazing too. Our host was incredibly friendly and she even hosts a wine & cheese hour which was a very nice treat. They have a very accessible parking lot of their own too. Definitely would recommend you stay here.

  • en

    Paul Nussbaum


    The best B&B my wife and I ever stayed in. Great location, delicious breakfast, comfortable and clean room, and best of all Noreen the hostess. Paul & Gail

  • Alexandra Friedeman

    Alexandra Friedeman


    Kinsale was our favorite place to visit in Ireland and the Old Presbytery was our favorite B&B! Noreen was a lovely host and gave us some great recommendations for dinner and sightseeing - we wish we stayed for 2 more nights! We had a top floor room with a great view of the water and boats. The breakfast was the best we had in our B&Bs our entire trip. Highly recommend!

  • Kevin Muldowney

    Kevin Muldowney


    Kinsale was one of my favorite places in Ireland. Stayed in the self-catered apartment. Great space and great location. Nice owner.

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