Dinos i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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311, Curraheen Road, T12 V3YK, Cork, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 21 434 2333
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Latitude: 51.879402, Longitude: -8.521594

kommentar 5

  • en

    mango server


    Food was ok. Service very slow. Staff very nice but need got the impression new staff thrown in at the deep end and need training. The sprite you get here is not sprite....its awful carbonated water!

  • Stuie Hunter

    Stuie Hunter


    Extremely consistent level of food an service. Never had a bad experience in there and the food is skme of the best chipper food in the area.

  • Miriam Sheehan

    Miriam Sheehan


    Fast friendly service & great food. I'm back from Australia for a holiday, I was looking forward to chips & curry sauce & got fantastic thick cut chips and great curry sauce @ Dinos

  • en

    Amy Maloney


    It's a small place , can be busy at times but food is always fresh and staff are nice and friendly.

  • en

    Mark Mark


    The food and service were very good and the prices are very reasonable. Specially selected chips very tasty, they have own chips production line in Wilton and delivering fresh potatoes to stores every single day

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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