Heatons i Co. Wexford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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56 - 60 South Main Street, Wexford, Slippery Green, Co. Wexford, Y35 D23C, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1890 800 341
internet side: www.heatonsstores.com
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Latitude: 52.336809, Longitude: -6.4608845

kommentar 5

  • sadhbh maloney

    sadhbh maloney


    Great place to pick up good value items

  • en

    James Leigh


    Great Shopping - Prices really great

  • Aidan Murray

    Aidan Murray


    Lot's of Household Goods and Clothes and sports gear, good value for money

  • en

    Paul West


    Great selection in the sports section upstairs, the shop is good value, a shame the last few times I've been here the atm cash machine has been out of order,

  • Noeleen O Connor

    Noeleen O Connor


    Very disappointed at the lack of service upstairs in sportsdirect. Needed help getting footwear for my son and there were no staff! Three times I had to ask for help. And each time someone came they handed us a box and returned to what they were doing. We needed bigger sizes, wider runners etc and it was frustrating I was an hour trying to get sorted and had a 2 yr old with me also who was getting uneasy! Eventually a young girl came along and brought us 3 pairs she recommended and he choose one of those. She was a godsend. This was midweek! This is a total contrast to the weekend I was there a few weeks previous and the lads seemed to be in competition to get sales, to the point where I was asked at the till which guy sold me the football boots!! 1. Service before sales ALWAYS! 2. Some level of consistency. Disappointed I must say as I have shopped online with them a lot and find the selection and offers great.

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