Heaven O' Connell St i Dublin 1

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IrlandHeaven O' Connell St



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55 O' Connell St, North City, Dublin 1, Co. Dublin, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 874 8405
internet side: www.heavenfaceandbody.com
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Latitude: 53.347726, Longitude: -6.2594977

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dawn Moss


    Had a lovely facial purchased on a voucher. Really relaxing. Like most beauty salons quite expensive for everyday but so nice for a treat. Even better if you can pick up a voucher special deal. Looking forward to my next visit.

  • Karen Kinsella

    Karen Kinsella


    I've been going to Heaven for a few years and I wouldn't go anywhere else. The girls are lovely, so professional and very informative of offers and services they offer. I have fantastic results with the laser treatments and look forward to other treatments in the future.

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    Eileen Kennedy


    AnnMarie gave me a wonderful Dermalogica facial yesterday. Very pleasent hour spent in Heaven.

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    Siobhan Walsh


    Fab salon.The salon is very clean and decorated with lovely wall paper and lighting. The therapists are amazing at waxing, probably the most pain free wax Ive ever had. Won't go to any other salon for waxing. They are also really busy doing nails. The tan is so natural and wears off lovely. Keep up the good work Heaven!!

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    Maude donovan


    Had my shellac and tan done here for work night out. The tan and shellac turned out fabulous. They use solaris tan and it's so natural. The therapist was a pro with at shellac. They had a deal on. 2 treatments for €40. Bargain for city centre beauty salon.

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