Just Wing It i Dublin 24

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandJust Wing It



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136, The Square, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 452 2600
internet side: wingit.ie
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Latitude: 53.2870838, Longitude: -6.369514

kommentar 5

  • en

    Damian Grudzien


    Very lovely staff and great food. Choice of wings and fries is very impressive without any loss of taste. One negative is that the tables appeared unclean and could see improvement.

  • Glen Mc Carthy

    Glen Mc Carthy


    Best chicken joint around! Friendly & prompt staff. Fantastic catering and exceptional food. A true regular for me.

  • Paul Daly

    Paul Daly


    Lovely spot! Fast food but very tasty. Wings are lovely!

  • en

    Hannah Van


    Food was amazing, quick service. Friendly staff and nice atmosphere! Would eat here again!

  • Rick Coslo

    Rick Coslo


    We visited on the 10 of June 2017, around 4.30 pm. The chicken wings were tough for me, the sauce held its own. My partners chicken burger, the crust on the chicken was over done. The chips in my opinion were below standard. A little expensive for its location. Did not enjoy the experience really. Service was OK and friendly. We will try another few eateries before we return.

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