Macari's i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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24, Main Street, 24, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 451 3942
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Latitude: 53.2877629, Longitude: -6.362633

kommentar 5

  • srikanth jukuri

    srikanth jukuri


    Too greecy....chips,fish and kebab god that's horrible. Fish is not crispy too much sause in kebab

  • Dean F. Wilson

    Dean F. Wilson


    Terrible experience with driver, who left my food on the ground outside (while it was raining, no less). He called me from his car after. I asked why he didn't call first, and he complained that he shouldn't have to call customers. I'll never order from here again.

  • leanne O

    leanne O


    I ordered food from the macaris tallaght village this evening.The food left alot to be desired.I myself work in a restaurant and chose to order here , seeing it as a treat on a saturday night. I could tell the chicken had been left under heat lamps for hours,tough and dry. The quarter pounder had only onions on it, no salad or sauce and was rancid and the bun was hard and burnt . They charged us near 17 euros for our food .when we phoned they said what we had been sold was fresh(when it clearly wasn't) they didn't even apologise.Absolutely disgraceful. I wont be suprised if a health and safety officer shuts this place down .

  • beast jj12 hughes

    beast jj12 hughes


    Love macari food... always nice and fresh

  • en

    Daithi Moloney


    Excellent chipper, they have easily the nicest curry in Tallaght and the best staff. It can sometimes get a bit messy late at night as it's located between most pubs in the village but that's not really their fault and they deal with it well. Has a nice looking cafe on the side too

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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