Kilkenny Shop i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandKilkenny Shop



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6, Nassau Street, Dublin 2, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 677 7066
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3421561, Longitude: -6.255217

kommentar 5

  • Donal Cahalane

    Donal Cahalane


    I only frequent the place to visit the restaurant/cafe, generally, but that is good. The breakfast now is all or nothing, at €8. On my first visit for some time, I was hungry, and I really enjoyed it. It was a bonus that the Sunday jazz brunch was running at the same time.

  • da

    Tine Larsen


    Hyggeligt sted at shoppe

  • en

    Damien H


    Great place for breakfast and lunch located on the first floor above the retail space which covers the more high end of Irish arts and crafts. Air of class and laid back sophistication with occasional live music and jazz. Overlooks the grounds of Trinity College. Bit of a sense of history about the place. Pretty cool and a sense of occasion.

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    Juana Harvey


    The Taxi driver who picked us up at the airport suggested this place for breakfast! It was perfect as we had just flown all night from New York and had many hours to pass until our flight out to Cardiff! The food hit the spot and was quite affordable we really couldn’t ask for much better!

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    Michael Ryan


    Best breakfast in the city. I've been to most places claiming to be the best. Look no further. Top notch. Go once and you will go again. Anyone with an addiction problem to caffeine won't find a coffee that kicks harder than what is served here. Excellent value for money. I've spoken about this place to many who have later paid a visit. Always delivers. Food is of an exceptionally high quality. Staff attentive and very friendly, customers treated like royalty. The ideal spot on many levels.

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