Marks & Spencer Mary St Dublin i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMarks & Spencer Mary St Dublin



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24-29, Mary Street, D01 YE83, Dublin 1, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 872 8833
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.348915, Longitude: -6.264682

kommentar 5

  • MJ O'Brien

    MJ O'Brien


    This is a bright well laid out store. My objection & the reason I do no shop in it is that they are not giving the Irish shopper any benefit for the lower sterling. I can buy the exact same item when I am in London for far less.

  • en

    Piotr Jelinski


    Big store with plenty of choice. I buy clothes there as the prices aren't too high and the quality is good. There is a grocery store on the ground floor which is a bit posher than a Tesco and also more accessible so it is good for quick shopping visits. There is a coffee shop on the top floor but I haven't checked it out yet.

  • en

    Gavin O'Shea


    On taking back an item that was a Christmas present that still had the security tag on, one member of staff displayed total unprofessionalism by calling us 'strokers!'. Completely humiliated. Other member of staff was complete opposite & very understanding. Terrible customer service!

  • en

    Genevieve Duval


    Everything in stock in this branch. It has a huge food court: off-licence, bakery section, fresh fruit and veg. Fast lane check out and conveyor belt check outs for the food court, no self-service check outs. There are 3 floors for clothes and home wear also. Great and very friendly staff every time I've been there

  • Eoin M

    Eoin M


    Good place, good clothes and other goods. Quality is excellent. Could do with a few more staff in some sections though

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