Lawless Flowers i Limerick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandLawless Flowers



🕗 åbningstider

52, Roches Street, Limerick, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 312 666
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Latitude: 52.662057, Longitude: -8.6277361

kommentar 5

  • en

    nell stritch


    fabulous family run flower shop in the heart of limerick city. always have amazing bouquets and much more. they are very trendy and creative with lovely staff and high quality flowers. love following the instagram/facebook pages. :)

  • joshua mullane

    joshua mullane


    Brilliant florist. Excellent service and a very high quality standard.

  • en

    patrick stritch


    Top notch visit to this flower shop. Very friendly staff and an exquisite bunch of flowers for my nana for her birthday

  • en



    Such nice experience. Beautifull flower amazing Staff.

  • Con O Brien

    Con O Brien


    Avoid at all cost! I called to this florist and picked up a bouquet for my girlfriend last week. While the bouquet looked grand when I picked it up, it was far from fine the following evening when I called to see her as the flowers were wilted and tired looking. As she loves flowers I know she looked after them. After spending €50 on the bouquet l was very disappointed not to get longer out of them ! Hence I won't be using this florist again.

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