Ring O' Roses i Limerick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandRing O' Roses



🕗 åbningstider

26, Kilteragh, Limerick, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 411 321
internet side: www.ringoroses.ie
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Latitude: 52.638028, Longitude: -8.641688

kommentar 5

  • en

    Emma Hayes


    I am based in NZ & ordered online. One of the two bunches I ordered wasn't available. I was contacted promptly via email with a suggested alternative which was even better than my original order. I am really impressed with the service and the recipients thought the flowers they received were beautiful. Highly recommend and I hope to use again. Thanks Patricia for the great customer service and making it all so easy.

  • en

    Vincent Scully


    Fantastic florist that has the passion for her job to make whatever flower arrangement you want come to life. I have bought flowers from Patricia for many occasions and recommended her to my friends and family. She has done flowers for my friends wedding and they have been over the moon with the quality and dealing with Patricia.

  • en



    Pat Irwin, makes sure my wife keeps on loving me!! Never lets us down with amazing flowers. Highly recommended. Personal service which is second to none

  • Claire Kirby

    Claire Kirby


    Absolutely stunning bouquet! My grandmother was absolutely delighted with her flowers this morning. I wasn't expecting you to be so fast with the delivery, thrilled to bits, super service!!!

  • Lisa Gibbons

    Lisa Gibbons


    Thank you to Patricia for the most amazing wedding flowers. Everything was just perfect and exceeding all of our expectations. From bridal to flower girl to bridesmaids to groomsmen to church flower; simply beautiful.

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