Lawlor Clinic i Portlaoise

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandLawlor Clinic



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2, Dublin Road, Portlaoise, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 57 867 8904
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.039165, Longitude: -7.274393

kommentar 5

  • Elite Physical Prep

    Elite Physical Prep


    I would highly recommend the Lawlor Clinic, it is run excellently from front of house right through to their therapists. Shane and Karen are excellent at diagnosing and treating pain and injuries through multiple methods. I have used them personally and as a strength and conditioning coach I send athletes who have issues that can not be solved by other physiotherapists they have seen.

  • Darren Kenna

    Darren Kenna


  • Chanhassen Chiropractic

    Chanhassen Chiropractic


    Drs. Shane and Karen Lawlor are second to none in field of chiropractic, sports injuries, movement assessment, exercise rehabilitation, golf performance therapy and much more! I've referred my patients to the Lawlor Clinic while they were vacationing in Ireland on numerous occasions and they couldn't have been pleased any further. If you are in Ireland, and you are tired of dealing with chronic injuries or even acute injuries, look no further. If you're looking to move better and feel better, they have your back! I highly recommend the doctors at Lawlor Clinic!

  • Nash Anderson

    Nash Anderson


    Have had the pleasure of working with Shane on various projects. He is a fantastic chiropractor and a great guy. Highly recommended. A true asset to his community, to his profession and especially the field of Sports Chiropractic.

  • Dr. Elizabeth Wisniewski

    Dr. Elizabeth Wisniewski


    I have known Dr. Aimee Caroll for five years and she is an amazing chiropractor! She is kind and always listens to her patients. Dr. Carroll is a wonderful adjuster and I cannot recommend her services enough!

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