TranceFormative Hypnosis i Portlaoise

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IrlandTranceFormative Hypnosis


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3, Aghnaharna Court, R32 K20F, Portlaoise, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 85 766 4893
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Latitude: 53.032799, Longitude: -7.279478

kommentar 2

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    John Mallon


    Great experience! I've been over 2 months without smoking the cancer sticks or puffing electronic cigarettes, just finished with it all after the second appointment with Vito. My wife, daughter and I are delighted. I feel fantastic, best money spent in my life. Pity it took me so long to decide, instead of smoking I could have paid for a nice holiday every summer over the past 20 years!

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    Veronica Guihan


    I developed a fear of flying in my late twenties for no obvious reason. I decided this year to try hypnosis to help me deal with my fear. Vito Romito, TranceFormative Hypnosis Portlaoise was recommended to me and as I had a flight to Germany coming up I contacted Vito. We had a talk beforehand on the phone to discuss what my problem was and what I expected to achieve from the session. Vito assured me that he would be able to help me, he was very positive that hypnosis would help so an appointment was made for a session and although I was a bit apprehensive, I was also looking forward to the outcome. After only one session, I could not believe the difference! Vito taught me how to relax on a flight, even sent me a relaxation tape to help me on the plane, I just can’t believe the difference, why I did not try hypnosis before I will never know. I would have no hesitation to recommend TranceFormative Hypnosis , Vito is so professional and really takes a great interest in helping you to solve whatever problem you have. Veronica Raynor, Mountmellick, County Laois.

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