Lough Lannagh Lodge Hotel i Castlebar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandLough Lannagh Lodge Hotel


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Old Westport Road, Castlebar, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 94 902 7111
internet side: www.loughlannagh.ie
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Latitude: 53.849134, Longitude: -9.311814

kommentar 5

  • Richard Nugent

    Richard Nugent


    I've never stayed in the holiday homes but the amenities right at your doorstep are fantastic. I've lived in a few cities and bigger towns and nowhere can shine a light on the lough lannagh park. Wonderful location to go for a walk and get some peace and quiet. The park and ducks are brilliant for keeping the kids entertained too.

  • en

    Frankie Forde Waldron


    Lough Lannagh Holiday Village is a wonderful amenity in the centre of Castlebar. There are holiday apartments available to rent with an adjoining restaurant. Beside the indoor tennis courts and within walking distance of shops and restaurants. An ideal location for groups or families to explore the Western Greenway with beautiful walking and cycling paths. Bikes can be hired locally. Turlough House National Museum, Croagh Patrick, Knock Shrine, Ballintubber Abbey are all just a short drive. Also available in town are multi screen Cinema and Bowling Alley. Achill Island is over an hour's drive where the scenery and beaches are spectacular. The Linnenhall Arts Centre and Royal Theatre are walking distance from the Village where shows and exhibitions are regularly on. Lots to see and do while staying at Lough Lannagh just a stone's throw from the lake. Meeting Rooms also available

  • Leonie Kilroy

    Leonie Kilroy


    Beautiful nature walk around Lough Lannagh. Spectacular views.

  • Niall O'Rahilly-Drew

    Niall O'Rahilly-Drew


    Stayed here while working in Castlebar. Lovely spot. All you need for a home from home.

  • en

    Aiden Ralph


    Its simply class. Really friendly people. Excellent rates also

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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