Strandhill Caravan & Camping Park i Strandhill

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandStrandhill Caravan & Camping Park


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Airport Road, Strandhill, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 71 916 8111
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Latitude: 54.2726192, Longitude: -8.6062918

kommentar 5

  • en

    Caroline martin


    Great place, go there every year. Toilet/ shower block very clean. Very quiet at night and has security on a closed gate. Would and have recommended this site to friends. Look forward to the warmer weather and going there again.

  • en

    Daithi Aye


    I had a vehicle break down outside here, so I ended us staying 4 days. Staff were extremely helpful. So were the people on the airport road just outside the main gate. This place has all you need if your looking to camp in Sligo.

  • en

    Nicola Young


    Had good, clean toilets and showers. Internet access at reception .nice location, on sea front

  • Jessica Hallberg

    Jessica Hallberg


    A bit chaotic and toilets was not clean and the wash up zinks where disqusting. Shower is 1 Euro for 5 minutes, principly only hot water, I like hot showers but most people don't want it that hot and no way to make it colder. Area around was nice.

  • Deirdre McCann

    Deirdre McCann


    All of the pitches are nice and spread out so you are not on top of your neighbours. Bathrooms are clean - separate toilet and shower rooms. Location is perfect with views of mountain and sea within 5 minutes walk to bars cafes and shops.

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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