Lough Rea Hotel & Spa i Loughrea

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IrlandLough Rea Hotel & Spa



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Athenry Road, H62 Y189, Loughrea, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 91 880 088
internet side: www.loughreahotelandspa.com
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Latitude: 53.2025683, Longitude: -8.5865514

kommentar 5

  • Leah Wolf

    Leah Wolf


    My partner and I stayed here at the end of March and from the second we arrived to when we left was just perfect. The receptionist was so friendly and all other staff we met, we got an upgrade to a beautiful room that was just so luxerious and absoulutely spotless. The bar and restaurant are fabulous and the food was amazing. I can't say a bad thing about this hotel and I would highly recommend it and I'll definitely be back. ❤

  • Shauna Carney

    Shauna Carney


    A quaint hotel. Food was ok, a little bland and service was dis jointed however the bar was very good and the bartenders lovely. The rooms were clean and what you need. The spa times were very odd and not very accommodating. Overall not bad and cheap enough

  • M Keane

    M Keane


    Excellent hotel with all the facilities you, your family and friends need to relax and dine with. Also they have a spa available to sooth your bodies. Exceptional clean and the staff will help you enjoy your stay here. A safe area also for your children to play while you visit Loughrea and it's hinterland. Michael 😇

  • Helen Parkes

    Helen Parkes


    Came here for a wedding. Lovely hotel and rooms were more than adequate. Beds nice and comfy. Breakfast was probably my highlight with being all you can eat. Delicious.

  • Chris P

    Chris P


    Beautiful hotel, great service. Everyone was super helpful for my wife and I. And we needed a bunch of help as it was our first trip to Ireland. Foods great and honestly inexpensive seeing how fancy it is. Room service is worth it. The only thing slightly negative is there's no minifridge in the room, but that could be normal for Ireland for all I know.

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