Martino's Takeaway i County Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMartino's Takeaway



🕗 åbningstider

5, N83, County Galway, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 93 39720
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.618134, Longitude: -8.743479

kommentar 5

  • Elisabeth Bokori

    Elisabeth Bokori


    We just love it. Great food quick service good price

  • jenni rogers

    jenni rogers


    If the manager was half as nice as the food it would be great, but his bad attitude and lack of customer service skills is a major turn off!!! I'll be got round the corner to the may flower from now on!!!

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    Brian Prince


    Cost a fortune, small portions

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    Lovely food will be going again

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    Marian Daniels


    Cannot believe the ignorance of the male who was serving. I traveled 8 klms to buy a bag of chips for my wife; got the chips and they were just lukewarm. I went back with them left them on the counter. The man who gave them to me asked what was wrong; I said they weren't hot enough. He turned, took the two euro out of the till and handed it to me. I said, 'I'll wait for another bag'. He said, that's as hot as they come out of the pan and walked away. Isn't that a lovely way to treat your customers. He can shove his chips where the sun don't shine; I'll never return there again.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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