Merlyn Showering i Kilkenny

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IrlandMerlyn Showering



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Dublin Road, R95 HP71, Kilkenny, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 56 779 1555
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Latitude: 52.6458838, Longitude: -7.2109893

kommentar 5

  • en

    Simon Popham


    Fantastic cubicles have fitted several of the 8mm cubicles Easy to install and very well made would definitely recommend this product from a professional point of few having been in the trade best part of 17 years one of the better cubicles on market.

  • en

    Ashleigh Corcoran


    Ordered an arysto slider with a light up handle, looks fantastic and very unique. The quality is great, very pleased. Thanks

  • Paul Scollon

    Paul Scollon


    I emails multiple times asking for a replacement part to stop my shower leaking all over the floor, I was even told it would be dispatched. 3 months and 3 more emails later, nothing. At this point they are just blanking me. Finished up getting the part from a 3rd party online. Terrible, terrible customer service.

  • en

    Paul Cave


    I had a Merlyn Series 8 Frameless 1 door cubicle, with a hinged, door fitted, both corners of the door leaked, when I spoke to their after sales dept, they already knew they had a problem with this model because they said there designers were working on a solution, but that wouldn’t be available for another 2 months, so they sent a guy to try and stop the leaks, they didn’t stop, Then Merlyn offered to fit an alternative shower cubicle, which I accepted, they fitted a cubicle with a sliding door, but this only had rollers at the top, none at the bottom, after about 2 weeks the door started to get jammed closed, with me inside, I had to get on my hands ands knees lift the door and try and move the door guide to free the door and let myself out, when I contacted Merlyn the sent a guy to try and fixed the problem, it worked for about 2 weeks again, then started to jam again, Merlyn decided they couldn’t be bothered sending a fitter around again and gave me my money back and basicly said I could get someone else to try and fixed the problem or get a replacement shower from another company. For a company that is supposed to sell luxury products, their after sales service and lifetime guarantee is very very poor.

  • Dave Go

    Dave Go


    I have a Merlyn shower and whilst it looks beautiful it hasn't lasted. After only a few years of being used the thermostatic cartridge failed. Usually this is not a problem as its a consumable part and can easily be replaced. After calling, emailing and chasing Merlyn I finally spoke to their technical department who confirmed they no longer make the replacement components and 'I simply need to replace the mixer unit' which is buried in the wall. My advice - stick to another brand which make replacement parts available. Purchasing from Meryln now could be costly later if replacement parts are required!

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